Srware iron creador
Srware iron creador

Or maybe save the time and read up for a minute on what disgusting piece of dodgy software you are raving about. opera, otoh, has a built-in ad blocker and supports both chrome (with the help of an extension) and opera versions of ad blocking extensions like abp and ubo. :c ) Thanks for posting the link anyway, OP. (SRWare Iron is just google chrome without the google. This is what I get for being all open source and edgy with my browsers. critical vulnerabilities arent patched timely. >tfw SRWare Iron isn't allowed to join the realm.


I invite you to give me hybris for this, flame away people. aside from the trust issue, theres this erratic update schedule with iron. Seems like the only reason Iron exists is to lure people on to his page so he can cash in several Google Ads and Analytics Bonuses. If you search around a bit you will find enough links to articles and forums which elaborate on the nature of this scam, this source for example is pretty revealing: Of course the versions are never up to date, so good luck with mainting browser security. 0 (May 10, 2021) We released the new Iron 90 today, which contains all features and updates known from Chromium 90.

srware iron creador srware iron creador

7 It primarily aims to eliminate usage tracking and other privacy-compromising functionality that the Google Chrome browser includes. Usa Google Chrome sin la supervisión de Google. Windows / Internet / Navegación / Navegadores Web / SRWare Iron. Muchos usuarios han recibido con desagrado la supervisión que Google. System administrators choose applications that they wish to block. Descarga gratis SRWare Iron para Windows. and on top of that, he is apparently putting his own ad framework into it. SRWare Iron - Wikipedia SRWare Iron SRWare Iron is a Chromium -based web browser developed by the German company SRWare. In the Application Control policy, applications are allowed by default.

srware iron creador

A scam by some greedy German who just regularly takes a Chromium source package, claims to remove 'spying' funcions, which is nothing more than changing a few settings (that you can change yourself - by going to.

Srware iron creador